Operation Reinhard: The Sobibor Killing Center

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The small village of Sobibor is near the present-day eastern border of Poland, about three miles west of the Bug (Buh) River and five miles south of Wlodawa. During the German occupation of Poland, this area was in the Lublin District of the Generalgouvernement (that part of German-occupied Poland not directly annexed to Germany, attached to German East Prussia or incorporated into the German-occupied Soviet Union).

German SS and police authorities constructed Sobibor in the spring of 1942 as the second killing center within the framework of Operation Reinhard, the plan implemented by the SS and Police Leader in Lublin to murder the Jews of the Generalgouvernement. It was built along the Chelm-Wlodawa railway line, in a wooded, swampy, and …show more content…

All members of the guard unit were trained at a special facility of the SS and Police Leader in Lublin, the Trawniki training camp. Commandants of the Sobibor killing center where SS First Lieutenant Franz Stangl from April until August 1942 and SS Captain Franz Reichleitner from August 1942 until November 1943.

The Sobibor killing center was divided into three parts: an administration area, a reception area, and a killing area. The administration area included camp offices, housing for the German and Trawniki-trained guards assigned to the camp, and barracks for the prisoner labor force. The reception area held the railway siding, ramp, barracks where the victims undressed, and warehouses for the victims ' possessions. The killing area included gas chambers, mass graves, and barracks for prisoners assigned to forced labor. A narrow enclosed path called the "tube" connected the reception and killing …show more content…

When I hear the word Genocide I think of the Holocaust and other sorts of disaster made by man. The Holocaust was started by a man named Adolf Hitler Hitler he had a dream in his dream he imagined a world he controlled and it was ridded of Jews.
Anne Frank was a ordinary teen girl who loved to talk with her friends and bake, she even baked some cookies for her classmates.
Then the nazis came and take away their freedom Anne and her family can 't leave the house and go in public for risk of being caught so they went into hiding in a annex they stay in hiding for 2 years but they got caught and arrested by the Gestapo and died in a concentration camp but her father lived to publish her diary.
My trip to the Museum of Tolerance exciting for me because I got to learn about the holocaust and other parts of tolerance like Anne Frank,Holocaust,and tolerance, like after 9/11 there was a brown man who looked Syrian and Americans killed him just because of the way he looked Americans were afraid at that