Oppression Of Religion In Iraq Essay

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The Oppression of Religion in Iraq
The news coming out of Iraq is devastating. The violent extremist group known as Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) continues to take over major parts of Iraq, brutally killing and oppressing any and all who come in their way. The Yazidis are predominantly ethnically Kurdish, an ancient community that have been in Iraq for centuries. Historically the Yazidis follow Zoroastrianism and other ancient Mesopotamian religions. Throughout recent history, the Yazidis oppressed and their religion largely misunderstood as Satan worship (which it is not). The violence and suffering that ISIS has inflicted upon the Yazidis is heart wrenching. ISIS is also reportedly seeking to expel Christians from their homeland of Iraq where Christians have lived since almost the beginning of their history. Christians in Iraq are one of the oldest continuous surviving Christian communities in the world. Christians in Iraq have survived, and at times even …show more content…

As written in the bible, Jesus warned his followers in John 16:33 that this world would be fraught with trouble, but in Matthew 19; promises anyone who leaves everything that is dear to them to follow him (God); will receive much more back in return, even everlasting life. Iraqi, Iranian, and Syrian Christians are actively living out the truth on a daily basis, as ISIS persecution squads force them to choose faith over fear and make a difference for God in spite of their perilous circumstances. Freedom of religion, like all freedoms of thought and expression, is natural. Our beliefs help define who we are and serve a foundation of what we contribute to our societies. However, today, many people live under governments that abuse or restrict freedom of religion. Christians in such areas suffer deeply, deprived of the basic freedoms that humans should be