
Oppression Of Women Essay

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Gender oppression is one the biggest problems in today's society due to the fact that it is an issue experienced throughout the whole entire world. Our society has made regulations for each gender which, are understood as gender roles. We have this stereotypical roles embedded as the back bone of our society. Any gender suffer a type of oppression however, women are the ones that are most affected by this social problem. Gender oppression is the reason behind woman's social and economic struggles. Woman are always being seen as the weaker sex by our patriarchal system. In this paper I will address the issue of gender oppression by using an intersectional lens to explore factors like race, social status, and beauty standards to comprehend how …show more content…

Woman are not only suppose to act a certain way they are also suppose to look a certain way too. Woman are pressure for every direction to be this idealistic model the western society has created. Woman are suppose to be helpful, tolerant, patient, polite, attentive and the list go on moreover they are also suppose to be skinny but not too skinny, they have to dress nicely but not to extravagant, they are suppose to be fun while also being prudes, etc. an example of this pressure woman have can be seen in the film “Girls Like US” this film shows four young girls who are going through their most crucial teenage years. One of the most significant moments is when one of them, De'yona a African American girl, gets pregnant due to her stopping the use of birth control because it made her fat. This is so tragic because we see how society has made girls believe that nothing is more important than the way we look. Also demonstrating how woman are so harshly judge by their appearance, another good example of this is in the article “#FergusonFridays: Not all of the Black freedom fighters are men: An Interview with Black Women on the Front line in Ferguson” by Kristin Braswell, one of the questions in the interview made to the woman was about what it meant to be a woman in this kinda of movement. The answer to this question was surprising, the protester Brittany Ferrell said that is hard to be taken seriously because people just see them as a bunch of pretty faces so is very difficult for them to be taken serious even by their on colleges in the movement. The fact that woman are not taken serious is a big problem and it influences oppression in a very serious way. Woman are rarely taking serious in man dominant field like science, engineering, construction and more, even though they have proven themselves to be

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