
Oprah Winfrey Research Paper

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“Challenges are gifts that force us to search for a new center of gravity. Don’t fight them. Just find a new way to stand,” said Oprah Winfrey. When Oprah was down, she wouldn’t fight it, she would own up to what was putting her down. Oprah Winfrey faced many challenges, however in the past years she has regained her strength, and now she is a world wide talk show host in 2018. Oprah Winfrey had a unsuccessful and traumatic childhood growing up. Oprah, at such a little age, lived with her mom because her parents got a divorce when she was young (“Oprah”). “When her grandmother fell ill, 6-year-old Winfrey was sent to live with her mother in a Milwaukee boarding house (Elkins). “She lived in great poverty and often had to dress in potato sacks for which she was mocked at school” (Pettinger). At age nine, she was sexual abused and raped by her cousin, a family friend, and an uncle. (Elkins). By age 14, she was pregnant (“Oprah”). “At the same age, 14, Winfrey broke free and went to live with her dad in Nashville, Tennessee, where her success would start” (Elkins). …show more content…

At age 19, she became a news anchor for the CBS television station (“Oprah”). “Following her graduation from Tennessee State University in 1976, she was made a reporter and co-anchor for the ABC news affiliate in Baltimore, Maryland” (Elkins). Oprah moved quickly to Chicago in 1984 where she became a talk show host on AM Chicago . In 1985 it was named The Oprah Winfrey Show. This show became a very high-rated show and earned many Emmy Awards (Pettinger). “Winfrey formed her own television production company, Harpo Productions, Inc., in 1986, and a film production company, Harpo Films, in 1990” (“Oprah”). Later, she would interview television production in order to see if the show would be huge

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