
Optimism In The Life Of Anne Frank

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Imagine being killed just because of your religious beliefs. This was Anne Frank's life during WW2. Anne Frank was born on June 12, 1929, in Germany to a Jewish family. But less than a decade later WW2 started because of Hitler blaming WW1 on the Jewish population. This caused a sense of distrust between the Jewish and German population which caused the rise of the Nazi party. After Hitler came into power, all Jews had to be put into concentration camps to work or be killed. Anne Frank went into hiding and later got found and put into a concentration camp which sadly caused her death. Anne Frank inspired others with her Bravery to stand up to injustice and her optimistic view during bad times. Anne Frank's bravery shows by her being so strong that she went into hiding which could have gotten her killed. …show more content…

For instance, in the poem “It Is Raining on the House of Anne Frank” in lines 25-29, “...to see how someone else could find the pure center of light within the dark circle of his demons.” Clearly, this shows Anne Frank's optimistic view of life during bad times. Anne Frank knew what was happening in the world at this time, but she thought that it was better to be hiding in an attic than to be working for the Nazis or be dead. For instance, the text “Anne Frank” page 24 states, “It was only in the pages of her diary that she could freely vent her feelings and frustrations. ‘I’m longing–so longing–for everything,’ Anne wrote in one entry. ‘To talk, for freedom, for friends, to be alone. And yet I do so long . . . to cry!’ And yet life went on. The residents of the annex fell into a routine.” This shows that even though she wanted to go out and enjoy life, she knew that she had to stay inside the annex. As stated, “life went on” which means that she knew there was nothing she could do about the external conflicts, so she just had to wait in the attic until the war

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