Orchestra Teacher Research Paper

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Orchestra Teacher

Work cited http://www.bls.gov/ooh/education-training-and-library/career-and-technical-education-teachers.htm Every job has an important role in the community. Being an orchestra teacher is one career example. It is not very common, but the thought of teaching kids how to play instruments together and listen to each other in order to sound like a orchestra is amazing. Orchestra teachers are more common in middle and high schools. In summary, their job is to teach kids how to read music and play a string instrument in a group with kids who play either the same or different orchestra instrument. For the most part, A orchestra teacher requires a lot of experience in music, playing instruments, a bachelors degree, patience, …show more content…

They also need to play Orchestra instruments and have a bachelor degree. A good trait for orchestra teachers to have is patience; teaching kids to play an instrument can be difficult and challenging so patience comes in handy often. In addition, they also need to have a passion for music; if the teacher does not a have passion for music and teaching music than the kids are not going to have a passion for music or be inspired to continue playing and improve their skills. Beethoven once stated " Don 't only practice your art, but force your way into its secrets; art deserves that, for it and knowledge can raise men to the divine" ( http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/l/ludwig_van_beethoven.html ).

Generally, Orchestra teachers work from school, however some might give private lessons out of school. They usually get paid the same as high school teachers, and have the same work schedule as them. In today 's world orchestra is becoming less popular but despite that there are still many orchestra programs in most schools and many programs in most cities for orchestra students to engage in. It is an influential for orchestra teachers to help inspire their students to keep practicing and improving.

Overall, Orchestra is becoming less popular but still an interesting career. It is not a common career now a days. Orchestra teachers can help kids respect and appreciate music along with learning to play an instrument. All in all, A orchestra teacher requires a lot of experience in music, playing instruments, a bachelors degree, patience, and a passion for teaching