
Oregon Right To Life Case Study

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Oregon Right to Life is a nonprofit organization that focuses on the joy that babies can bring and the love and support families can give, even if that family only consists of two people. This organization has a very hopeful goal “to save lives and change hearts.” By spreading this message, they are sharing the fact that they are a pro-life organization who supports the idea of the loving relationship between a parent and child. They are a very optimistic organization that is passionate about their beliefs. Through their posts and thought-provoking articles, they show that they advocate the family, support foster care, and believe in babies rights before birth. As a result, Oregon Right to Life promotes defunding Planned Parenthood and supports …show more content…

They are pro-life which means they are anti-abortion and believe that every child deserves a chance to live. Oregon Right to Life posts about the statistics of abortions and informs people of how abortions are really performed. “Science is always finding out new things about prenatal development. It’s time we treat these babies like the human being they are.” In saying this they are advocating for babies rights, whether born or unborn. A trend in their posts has always been the organization of Planned Parenthood and the horrors that are committed there. They see this place as the abortion giant of today. ORTL shares countless articles about progress in defunding PP. In one article, it states that the well-known store Macy’s will no longer donate to Planned Parenthood. ORTL cheered when they shared this, saying: “Great news! We hope Macy 's takes this money and donates to organizations that truly help women.” If all we knew about Planned Parenthood was from Oregon Right to Life, no one would support this abortion organization because of how fiercely they are working against it. They do not believe it is a true women’s health center. Planned Parenthood posted “As we approach our 100th anniversary, stand with us and change your profile pic!” and at the same time Oregon Right to Life posted “Today we acknowledge Planned Parenthood’s 100 years of abuse.” The clear difference between their words accurately depicts the conflict of their ideas and feelings about their cause. On one post they have a picture of a rally against Planned Parenthood with the words “Let’s do this!” above it. ORTL is a selfless (non-profit) organization that just wants to help stop the death of thousands of infants by stopping the clinic that promotes it. Even though their message is for the whole world, their location of Keizer, Oregon is very significant

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