Media Bias On Abortion Essay

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Lauren Nikutin, Mr. Westover Senior Perspectives in Literature & Composition 14 February 2024 Media bias on abortion Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy by removal or expulsion of an embryo or fetus. It has been banned repeatedly since 1910. They were first banned in the 1800s’ and people who had them performed would be criminalized. However, in 1973, Roe Vs Wade was passed which decriminalized abortion. Since then, around 1 million abortions happen a year in the USA and around 70,000 are the cause of maternal deaths caused by unsafe abortions. It can cause women to have unsafe terminations that put their lives in danger. The liberal side believes that women have the right to make their own decisions and decide if a termination of pregnancy …show more content…

They believe more in the future of the child than if a woman is capable of having it or not. They believe that the fetus is a life and you can’t kill a child/life. The article “We Failed to Protect Abortion Rights” appeared first on The New York Times. We Need a Labor-based Strategy” by Lillian Cicerchia in the Jacobin, published on May 12th, 2022 is a left-leaning liberal bias article by showing many forms of different biases in the text. The headline states “We failed to protect abortion rights.” The headline is already left-leaning due to the word “failed” because it gives the readers a push that abortion should not be banned and that we “failed” to protect the left-leaning beliefs. She uses many words or phrases that give the readers a left-leaning view such as the word “angry.” Using the word angry in a circumstance like she did where she is deliberately telling the readers that she is angry with the abortion ban and it makes her angry that people who are anti-abortion are killing doctors, stalking clinic workers, and following women around so they can keep them “safe.” Lillian is persuading the readers to think that abortion is a right and that when it gets taken away we fail as a