
Analysis: A Woman's Right By Bernie Sanders

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A Woman's Right Jane Austen, an English novelist in the 1800’s believed that women were not fine ladies but rational creatures who at times want to go against the norm. A woman should have the right over her own body because they should not always have to follow society’s rules. Bernie Sanders was one of the Democratic presidential candidates and he was pro-choice. Currently in the U.S abortion is legal but restricted depending on the state. Bernie proposed that a woman should be able to decide what to do with her body. I agree with this policy because as a female I am tired of constantly being told what to wear, how to act, and who to be. A man is not told what to wear or even blamed for raping a woman and it is time for this to change. …show more content…

The policy that Bernie Sanders supports is pro-choice for abortion. He believes this decision should be made by the woman, her family, and her doctor, not by the government. I show my support for this policy by always voicing my opinion in school and at home. I am pro-choice because I truly believe this is a huge step towards women becoming equal to men.Through this we would be able to have a choice on what to do with our bodies just like men do. The double standard that society has placed on women would decrease. This influences my life because when I was younger my father always told me I would never get accepted to any college and the only option for me to make a living would be becoming a prostitute. I was in elementary school and he had no right to tell me what I can or can’t do. For me this policy is not just about having the right to my body but something much bigger. I no longer want to be told what to do by the government or any man. I want to be able to truly claim the right to my own body.Through this policy I will feel less afraid of social standards that have been brought upon women and most importantly and I will gain a sense of …show more content…

There are various of political cartoons, protests, and videos on people who are pro-choice or pro-life. One political cartoon by Nick Anderson had one side with a pregnant women and republicans saying they want to do whatever they can to protect that child's life. Then on the other side it showed the same women with her baby born and republicans are yelling at the baby saying he's on his own and should not get help from the government. This indicates that republicans contradict themselves when it comes to saving a child’s life. If the woman was able to have an abortion she would not have to rely on the government to raise her child but republicans would still not be satisfied with the result because the child was killed. Because this policy involves killing an unborn baby it is not supported by religious affiliated people and the republican party. The republican party believes that an unborn child has the right to life like any other American. They are against it because the republican party is made up of very conservative people who believe each person is responsible for themselves. Pro-life people believe that people who are for abortion are murders or assisting in murder. Due to all these conflicts funding for abortions are limited to women who get pregnant due to rape, incent, or the baby is endangering their life. Which leads to women having to pay

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