The Pros And Cons Of Hillary Clinton

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Issues involving women have been one of the most talked about and presidential candidates were asked what each one of them is his/her position regarding this issue. For me, the presidential candidate that really made an impact is Democrat presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton. Most of us know that Hillary Clinton has been an advocate for women and girls including families even before she entered politics. She had dedicated her entire life to expanding opportunities for women and promoting gender equality not only here in the United States but around the world. As she has clearly stated on September 5, 2015, “Women’s issues are family issues, economic issues, and crucial to our future competitiveness.” (“Hillary for America,” 2016) Regarding the attempts of the Republican to defund Planned Parenthood that would restrict access to …show more content…

She will also increase the minimum wage to help the women especially the ones with families, to meet their basic needs since women are now considered to be the breadwinners or co-breadwinners of their families with children. As for the issues regarding women’s health and their reproductive rights, Hillary will fight to protect the Affordable Care Act that bans insurance companies from discriminating against women and guarantees 47 million women and more access to preventive care. More than anyone else, mothers have the toughest job. (“Hillary for America,” 2016) Before their child was born until their very last breath, mothers never forget the welfare of their children and will continuously take care of them. It is just fair that women’s health, their reproductive rights, parent’s paid family leave and affordable child care be ensured to them and should not be taken away from

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