Organ Trafficking Persuasive Speech

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In today's world we have amazing technology, we have technology that can save millions of lives every year. We have evolved so much in technology and medicine since the very beginning. Don’t get me wrong I think all of these advances are great, but when we start abusing all the modern technology and medicine, it makes me wonder if the advances we made are really worth it. With all these new things we can help more people, but we can also hurt people. When we first learned how to take organs out of someone’s body, and then put them in another's it was something meant for good, but now many countries all over the world are having problems with illegal organ harvesting. Illegal organ harvesting is not only a violation of human rights, but it is also very inhumane yet it still happening today all over the world. Did you know that there is at least one kidney illegally harvested every hour? Did you know that organ trafficking is considered “organized crime”, and the whole market for it makes …show more content…

In China, there have been many reported cases of incarcerated peoples getting doctor check ups that weren’t normal, and they aren’t. The “unusual” checkups that some of these people have been getting are to check on their organs. Most of these organ checkups happen to people on death row, so when they die the country can sell their organs. This would be okay if the person did want to donate their organs after they died, but for most of the cases these people didn’t. There have been cases when the person that had just been killed, because they are on death row, start having the organ surgery before they are even fully dead. Countries are taking their own people, and harvesting their organs without permission for the countries benefit. This is a violation of human rights because it is your body even when you're dead, and you can not be forced to do anything you don’t want