Coworker Support Theory: A Case Study

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In exchange for their loyalty towards the orgnization and their effect for their work, employees form expectations. To improve the quality of their work, to

realize their career goals and to ensure that they work efficiently, the organization has to mobilize various incentive mechanism. Organizations can support their employees by establishing properly working human resources procedures and performance evaluation systems, concentrating on career management activities and improving the employees’ physical working conditions.

Organizational support theory explain the psychological process underlying POS as follows: Firstly, POS in the basis of reciprocity norm creates a feeling of necessity concerning the organization working towards its goals and considering the …show more content…

Leiter and Maslach (1988) in a cross-sectional study of hospital personnel found that positive coworker interactions were positively related to feelings of personal

accomplishment. Seers, McGee, Serey, and Graen (1983) found that support from coworkers was positively related to both work satisfaction and supervisor satisfaction. Coworker support also moderated the relationship between role conflict and supervisory satisfaction.

Coworker support and engagement. According to Conservation of Resources
Theory, job resources play an important role in reinforcing positive images of oneself and could lead to work engagement (Demerouti et al., 2001). Social support may also play an extrinsic motivational role in better achieving work goals.

However, not all studies have supported a link between coworker social support and engagement. De Lange et al. (2008) did not find social support predictive of later (16 months) engagement. Thus, to the author’s knowledge, the present study is the first to look at coworker support as a moderator in predicting later work engagement.