Organized Labor Impact

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Samuel Gompers, influential leader of the American Federation of Labor, once stated: "Our movement is of the working people, for the working people, by the working people" (“Samuel Gompers”). Over the years, unions have proven this to be true. Although oftentimes detrimental to the economy, the labor effort changed the workplace for the better. Thanks to the persistent toil of unionists, justice was served where it was previously lacking. Labor unions noticeably affected the economy, improved conditions in the workplace, and increased wages for the common workingman. Like any movement, the organized labor had and continues to have a number of detrimental effects on the economy. First, unions have often been known to reduce the number of jobs …show more content…

In the past, the treatment of workers was unfair and frequently cruel. Labor unions changed that. Pushing for better working environments, union laborers arduously fought for justice in the workplace, resulting in the passing of many laws and Federal acts protecting workers and improving life for the average working man. In an article from the Economic Policy Institute (EPI) illustrating the benefits of unions for everyday people, authors Walters and Mishel state: “Unions make a substantial and measurable difference in the implementation of labor laws.” A variety of necessary laws were passed, including child labor laws and acts granting compensation for employees injured in the workplace. Although unions may not have been directly responsible for the passing of these laws, their impact certainly brought the deplorable conditions of numerous companies into the sight of the public. In addition, unions provide and continue to provide consistent benefits for their members. The EPI expresses that union members are significantly more likely to receive health insurance from their employers, as well as pension plans and paid vacations (Walters, Mishel). Maternity and sickness leaves are also a vast improvement from the callous, uncompassionate business leadership of the past. Unquestionably, unions have improved the working situations of the everyday employee both in the past and the