Origins Of Attachment Theory

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Attachment plays a crucial role in the development of young children, and the social skills of children as they grow into adulthood. Looking at attachment from a low socioeconomic stand point reveled many interesting trends within individual’s attachment styles. It was made very clear to me throughout my research on this topic just how vital attachment is for individual development. The attachment theory came about as Mary Ainsworth and Jong Bowlby were researching young motherless children in a hospital after world war 2. They realized what negative effects this motherless environment enacted and wanted to further understand. Bretherton stated in his article “the origins of attachment theory” “To grow up mentally healthy the infant and young child should experience a warm intimate and continuous relationship with his mother (or permanent mother …show more content…

Within many of these relationships the parents simply cannot provide enough time to their children to meet in entirety their attachment needs. Long discussed in his article disorganized attachment relationships in infants of adolescent mothers and factors that may augment positive outcomes how adolescent mothers’ due to their own young age and lack of maturity develop unclear lines of their own roles as mothers resulting in a very unorganized relationship with their child. Such disorganized relationships can result in an unreliable parent child relationship. Children of young mothers who act in this way will develop an expectation for little and far in between care. Similarly, children with incarcerated parents develop these same expectations. Murry discusses how even if a child has a secure attachment to their parent upon incarceration their expectations begin to shift and they see their parent as unreliable and lacking in