
Orthodontic Assistant Career Essay

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The career choice that I made and had caught my interest is in the dentistry field, practically in the orthodontic profession. Why the interest in this career choice you may want to inquire, is actually going in for visits as my child started the process for her braces. As I sat there watching the process happening, from the photographs taken of her mouth to the x-rays taken to be sent and the tools that were being used, just simply caught my attention. I thought to myself, “hmm this is something I could be good at”. And as the visits continued, I grew more fond as to what the orthodontic assistant was doing, how she was doing it and how the work was being proceeded with materials/tools. I then grew curious and looked up some details about this career and salary to find out, that most Orthodontic Assistants in the United States are woman. And The average pay for people in this position is approximately $16.09 per hour. This was very pleasing for myself to know that woman of this career choice was the main hires for a position I was interested in. I also learned that studies showed in the world of Orthodontic Assistants, overall income reaches from about $24K to near the bottom of $46K at the top; this can include more than $2K bonuses and more than $4K from profit …show more content…

Their duties perform a variety of functions to assist the orthodontist to help the process more smoothly. For example they prepare the patient for the orthodontist by taking x-rays, impressions, and etc. These examinations for patients are offend performed and done at dental

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