
Oscar And Maggie Comparison

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Each and every dog is different and unique. Most are great and make excellent pets. I’ve had multiple dogs myself, and know countless people who own them. There are hundreds of different breeds and breed combinations. There are many types of canines, which can have a variety of purposes, behaviors, and needs. I’m going to talk about my two pets that I’ve owned and loved. Oscar and Maggie are two separate sorts of dogs with their own character, but they are both equal in my heart. They vary in their personality, care, and training.
Oscar and Maggie’s personalities differ vastly. Maggie is nonchalant and quiet. She hardly ever gets in trouble for barking, fighting people or other dogs, or making a mess in the house. Oscar, however, loves to be …show more content…

He is a designer dog, a mix between a Golden Retriever and a Poodle, called a Golden Doodle. His brothers and sisters sold for lots of money, but his genes didn’t match up with theirs and he ended up with long, flowing hair along his body, and a mohawk-like line of curly hair along his spine. We got him for free, but he requires more attention because of his breed. He needs to be brushed and bathed frequently because he is outside more often than Maggie. His hair also grows fast and sheds a lot, unlike Maggie. Maggie sheds some, but her fur is always short and doesn’t really need to be cut. Oscar’s hair gets long, especially on his body and tail, and needs to be cut every month or so. He gets a lot of dirt trapped in his mohawk curls from when he romps and prances through the yard and rolls in the dirt. He is active and he is fairly large, so he eats a lot. Maggie is less active and does not eat as much as Oscar. Maggie is a black labrador, and her coat is short and thin. She requires little care in that way. Maggie also doesn’t get in the dirt, lake, or grass too much, so she doesn’t need to get washed as frequently as Oscar does. Because Maggie is not extremely active, likes indoors, and has short fur, she needs less care. She eats less and needs less physical and emotional …show more content…

This is because of their breed, and it causes their behaviors to differ. Maggie likes to watch cars drive by in our neighborhood. She likes to be around the family when we eat or gather in a room. She also loves to just lie in bed with my mom. She sleeps in my mom’s room and likes to sit there during the day. My mom basically trained her and takes care of her, so Maggie will listen to her and be with her. She eats alone and simply inhabits the house. Oscar likes to spend his time running around and playing. He likes to jump through the grass in the yard. He likes to chew on things and he can eat bones fiercely. He will also eat anything you give him. He is exceedingly playful and loves to play with anyone who walks into our house. He is flamboyant and constantly excited. He is an expensive dog specifically bred. Typically, these types of dogs have specific traits which are kept by not mixing too many breeds. This is why Oscar is aggressive and exuberant. He also had to be trained by a professional because he was extremely rebellious. Maggie is a mut, and she has no specific trait that has to do with her breed. She had little training and all she had to be taught was by my mother. I think Maggie being a mut could be a cause as to why she is so relaxed, and was easier to

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