Othello Essay

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The play of Othello by Shakespeare shows a tragedy in which some characters die because of jealousy, love, despair and also for telling the truth. Othello, the protagonist and the person in which the story is based, is an important general in the army of Venice. Similarly, Othello, "The noble Moor" which is referred to the name the people of Venice gave him, is respected by others but also is treated like an outsider since his black skin. While he is called “The Moor”, others are called by their normal names. He is different from the others because of his religion, his origin which is Africa and his values, and he wants to share all virtues to Venice. At the beginning of the play, he seems to be an honest and honorable person because of his characteristics, the way he speaks and acts. Nevertheless, Othello is socially insecure because of his life as a soldier and his race. While the story unfolds, Othello makes important decisions in his life that lead …show more content…

He tells her how his life has been filled with battlers and also the exciting stories about it. At the same time, Othello shows Desdemona his power and physical strength. At this point of the story, Othello is a character who seems to be stronger than any other having courage and intelligence. Then, the theme of hate opens when Iago, the right-hand of Othello, decides to retaliate against Othello since he has a grudge about Othello’s position being lieutenant in the Venetian armies. Iago proceeds his plan by manipulating Othello’s family, friends and enemies. On the other hand, Othello’s mental world is full of happiness, peace and success because his marriage with Desdemona. She is the angel he always wanted in order to save him from his difficult life. As a result, Iago takes advantage of the situation and joins Roderigo who is in love with Desdemona and uses him as a helper and accomplice for his