Otto Von Bismarck Research Paper

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Germany became united between 1862 and 1871 as a result of the Danish War (1862), Austria- Prussian War (1866) and Franco- Prussian War (1870), as well as the sense of nationalism that sprang from these struggles. Also, Otto von Bismarck’s policy of setting the German people against other ethnic groups, such as the Danish or French, to unite the Germans, became a success as a result of the victory over these other groups.
In 1862, Wilhelm I appointed Otto Von Bismarck chief minister of Prussia. Bismarck immediately began to build up the army, and he claimed that other ethnic Germans admired Prussia for her power. The year after Bismarck’s appointment, Prussia entered into the Danish War against Denmark. When Denmark decided to annex Schleswig, …show more content…

They were more accepting of German unification than formerly; after all, they did not want to be a part of France after the inevitable war to come. Bismarck frightened them into being united with Germany with the threat of war with France and the horrible possibilities that might ensue, such as being annexed to France.

Gaining more and more prestige and power, the German royal family, the Hohenzollerns, was invited to place a family member on the Spanish throne. Realizing this would create immediate war with France, who would never be able to survive being surrounded by German rule, the family declined three times. Bismarck, who had not power over the ultimate decision, but understanding the advantages such a union could make, urged the Spanish to send a fourth invitation. This was finally accepted, but Paris heard of the arrangement shortly afterwards.

The French immediately protested against the agreement, and the official acceptance was rescinded. The French demanded unnecessary apologies and promises to never do the same thing, and when Bismarck revised and published the Ems Note, the Germans became enraged over the