Otzi Murder Research Paper

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For many years now scientists have questioned over the historic Neolithic man named Otzi the famous iceman. It’s told that Otzi was a 4,000-year prehistoric Neolithic man who was found by two German tourists hiking up the Ötztal Alps, nicknamed from Ozti, on September 19, 1991. Up to this very day, there is research being held over the fact of if Otzi was murdered or if it was an accident. From the information that has been shown over years of research, I have come to my conclusion the Otzi was in fact murdered by a group of people. I say that Otzi was murdered, it was clearly no accident from information that I have seen and heard from. The injuries on Otzi play a big role in this mystery of the murder. It was said that he was in a fight …show more content…

He could have been running away from a killer, or he might have even been a killer fleeing from his village to live unseen. For some reason, he was followed and got into a battle with around two to three men. He got slashed on his arms, leg, and chest. Otzi’s body shows his hand was clenched into a fist with a cut between his thumb and index finger. This had to be the sign of an attack. He might have escaped the battle and fled away before he got shot in his back or vice versa, but either way, something caused him his …show more content…

This can’t be the cause and the top reasons why is because of his wounds. First, the arrow that was logged in his back, there would be no way for a human to jam an arrow that far into the back without going through the muscle and bone. Also, he had a deep cut in between his fingers. Unless there was some virus growing on his skin, there would be no reason to cut it, mostly when it wasn’t a rounded cut but straight to the bone. Finally, the blood on his spear. According to research, there was a trace of human blood on the spear a and it was not Otzi’s. He had to of been defending himself against men who were attacking

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