Outline And Evaluate Two Explanations Of The Unconsciousness Of Behaviour

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Firstly is Behaviourism is considered the only truly scientific method to learn. This is because the child brain is shaped to the behaviours around them and their environment. This is where a child can cause unusually behaviours are caused by maladaptive behaviours, where they cant have the ability to learn responsive from the start. This is a slow process to help the child learn positive behaviours instead of having negative ones. Secondly is cognitive Psychology where therapists suggest that the human mind is like a computer this is because the brain selects information and holds data in the brain and it remembers language and understands how to respond to the data's. Cognitive psychology therapies believe that abnormal behaviours are known …show more content…

This is where abnormal behaviours are considered as emotional disturbances which is usually effected by problems in the childhood that hasn't been addressed and solved. This is when intervention and treatment is started by a psychotherapy this is where they try and see the unconsciousness of behavioural. Fourthly is biological psychology, this is where Darwin theory of natural selection, this is when a genetics are connected to human behaviours has been one of the strongest influences on psychology. Therapies believe that behaviours are influenced both physiological and neurological natures this is linked to the nervous system and using the brain as the main core of the behaviours and how to behave and in what matter to behave. This can be effected by illnesses and injuries to the brain and this effects how the brain will work because of this there will be an imbalance of the chemicals in the brain which this can also be effected by the persons allergies, such as allergies with foods and drinks. They also have reported that