Outline For The Great Gatsby

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He is not tormented by conflicting emotions; after meeting Daisy, Gatsby's life is determined and ruled by one emotion--the need to experience life again as he had known it for a brief while with Daisy in Louisville, the emotional need to actually repeat the past. Gatsby is motivated by love, and there is no conflict in his feelings for Daisy. Nick sees Gatsby as having the most romantic personality. He does reject one particular norm of society at large. Gatsby chooses to become a gangster and build his fortune through criminal pursuits. He has secrecy in accordance to his "business ventures" because of their illegality. In a near-violent accost with thee Gatsby, Tom clarifies his criminal activities: “You're one of that bunch that hangs around with Meyer Wolfshiem . . . I found out what your "drug stores" were.” …show more content…

Gatsby's reaction to these revelations gave a hint that the romantic Gatsby is, of course a dangerous man. Nick notices a change in his usually controlled demeanor: “Then I turned back to Gatsby--and was startled at his expression. He looked--and this is said in all contempt for the babbled slander of his garden--as if he had "killed a man." For a moment the set of his face could be described in just that fantastic