Outline For The Odyssey Research Paper

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Introduction Paragraph
A. The man who wrote the epic poem The Odyssey is named Homer.
B. In The Odyssey, a man named Odysseus had to go fight a war in Troy.
C. After the war he got stuck in a whole bunch of things and got himself and his men into a whole downward spiral of things for twenty years.
D. When he finally got home, he found there were men trying to take his beloved Penelope from him so he killed everyone that was trying to marry her.
E. Odysseus was not a man of good character because he was an intruder, a liar, and stubborn.
II. First Body Paragraph A. Odysseus and his men were horrible guests that took over things that were not theirs. B. “...Yet I refused. I wanted to see the cave man…”
C. He entered the monster’s home without being welcome, and stayed just to say he saw …show more content…

D. “... Nohbody, Nohbody’s tricked me, Nohbody’s ruined me!”
E. Odysseus not only intruded another man’s shelter, but he also injured his unwelcoming host.
III. Body Paragraph Two A. From being a disdainful visitor to being a sleazy liar, this is only the second horrid thing he has under his belt. B. “My ship? Poseidon Lord, who sets the earth a-tremble broke it up on rocks at your land’s end. A wind from seaward served him, drove us there. We are survivors, these good men and I.” C. Right before this quote there was another quote that basically said he had a lie ready, which proves that he’s a liar and he knows it. D. I understand that everyone lies sometimes, but Odysseus lies so much throughout this Epic Poem that it kind of gets out of hand. E. He has lied to his men repetitively over the 18 years they were alive, he lied to the cyclops, AND he even lied to his wife. That’s just wrong.