Outline For Vegetarian Research Paper

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Itzel 9

April 15, 2014
Period 4
Madi Itzel

Madi Itzel
March 25, 2015
Period 4 Thesis Statement: There are many benefits to eating a vegetarian diet because of what a true vegetarian is, how there are different types, and who is can help many innocent animals. I. Introduction
A. There is one think that you can do to help save over 25 billion animals a year.
B. BECOME A VEGETARIAN! Not only is it good for a person’s health, but it works wonders for the environment.
C. There are many benefits to eating a vegetarian diet because of what a true vegetarian is, how there are different types, and who is can help many innocent animals.
II. Body 1
A. To begin with, vegetarians are always looking out for the feelings of themselves and others, which can be a good and bad thing.
B. A true vegetarian has many health benefits, and a better lifestyle all around, even though there are always the snide remarks “oh… Plants have feelings too!”
C. Vegetarians lower the risk of a multiple cancers.
D. People who …show more content…

Primarily people become vegetarians for one reason and then later on adopt some of the other reasons as well. Vegetarian diets are somewhat more common among adolescents with eating disorders than the general population.” (Brown University)
One negative factor of vegetarianism is that most of the protein needed for a healthy diet is derived. “Build meals around protein sources that are naturally low in fat, such as beans, lentils, and rice.” (ChooseMyPlate.gov). Technically, vegetarians can get proper protein, as long as they eat protein substitutions, such as tofu. Now, before one goes and makes jokes such as “oh…plants have feelings too!” take into consideration why someone might choose to be a