Outline Of To Kill A Mockingbird Chapter 11-15

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-Summary for Ch. 11-15 (AT LEAST FOUR SENTENCES): In chapters 11-15, Jem did not know much about Mrs. Dubose but Atticus said that she was the bravest person he knew as she died of her illness. Cal took Scout and jem to a black church and some didn't quite welcome them to their church but they learned some new things about the difference in races. Dill surprisingly ran away from his family and came to Scout's house to see them and he stayed the night. Jem got a feeling that Atticus wasn't where he said he was and they found him in the jail as he waited for people that he was expecting. -Summary for Ch. 16-20 (AT LEAST FOUR SENTENCES): In chapters 16-20, Scout asked why the mob wanted to hurt Atticus even though she did not get an answer. Atticus said that Scout brought them to there senses and they left. Scout, jem, and dill desperately tried to watch the case as they were waiting for it to start. In trial Atticus asked why there wasn't a doctor called; which was suspicious. They said it was too much money. Bob Ewell is left handed, the bruises on the girl's face were on the right side and that would more likely be caused by a left handed person. …show more content…

21-25 (AT LEAST FOUR SENTENCES): In chapter 21-25, Ewell was set on getting revenge on Atticus for making him look like a fool. Tom Robinson was moved to another jail. Atticus hopes that Tom will be let go but, if he isnt he will have to go to the electric chair. He also suggest that Boo Radley just does not want to leave his house that maybe he likes it