
Outline The Goal Of The Specific Treatment Approach

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Chapter 7: Specific Treatment Approaches 1. There are many different approaches that outline the treatment of articulation and phonological disorders. While the approaches have notable differences, all of the approaches remediate using behavioral techniques and a motor-based component. The two major categories of treatment approaches can be divided into traditional and pattern-based. The main differences between the two categories are the analysis of errors, focus of remediation, and organization of treatment. 2. The traditional approach organizes treatment into five stages and focuses on treating individual speech sounds. Treatment begins by strengthening the child’s sensory-perceptual skills so that they may become aware of his or her own speech sound errors so that they are able to learn new sounds and ultimately use these sounds effectively in conversation. This enables the client to practice the sound in many ways to begin working towards the next phase of transfer and carryover. The goal of this phase is to enable the client to use the correct sound production in environments and conversations outside of a clinical setting. The last phase of the traditional approach is maintenance so that the newly acquired skill continues to be used appropriately, even after treatment ends. …show more content…

The sensory-motor approach is another traditional approach that may be used when treating articulation and phonological disorders. The main goal of the sensory-motor approach is to provide cues that allow the child to become more aware of patterns that exist in the production of speech sounds. The clinician determines facilitative phonetic contexts that are used to provide treatment. Increasing the child’s responsiveness, reinforcing the correct articulation of sounds, and providing assistance for correct production at the syllable level in different environments are the three main purposes of the sensory-motor

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