Overcoming Adversity Research Paper

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People face and overcome adversity every day. Adversity shapes our character and society. According to Horace, a roman poet, adversity can evoke new talents that, otherwise, would not have been discovered. One interpretation of this is that we learn more in the bad times than in the good. In the bad times, people are faced with challenges that will test strength. And by doing so, strengths and weaknesses can be determined. Horace’s claim is defended in biology. When placed in an unknown environment, animals must adapt and evolve to survive in the harsh conditions. Some animals have a harder time surviving in unknown environments than others, therefore they die. Survival of the fittest states that only the best of the best will survive. Over time, animals go through evolution: the change of inherited traits over successive generations. Without adversity, animals would not change or adapt. …show more content…

Throughout my life I’ve had many challenges of adversity to overcome. Before I started preschool, I was diagnosed with speech aparxia. In other words, I had difficulty pronouncing sounds, syllables, and words. Due to this disability, I would attend speech therapy until sixth grade. Missing class, because of the therapy, put me much further behind all my peers. In addition to the educational and physical setbacks, I was also teased and bullied at the time for my speech apraxia. Being bullied during my childhood made me feel separated from my classmates, thus making it harder to ‘fit in’ with my class. Overcoming adversity throughout my adolescence, with speech apraxia, advised me to be the person I am