
Overcoming Obstacles That Changed My Life

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In my life, I have overcome many obstacles and experiences some which I still go through today. About two years ago, I moved in the middle of my sophomore year of high school to another school on the other side of town. I went from a girl coming from a low-income community with poor education to being in a middle-class society with a better education. In my old community, I was known for being a shy brainy kid, to a kid that wasn’t as shy anymore and learning to new work ethics to overcome the transitional struggles of moving.
Moving to a school with completely different demographics and environment, truly changed my personality and changed the way I approached things. One of my biggest obstacles through it was managing my grades especially since I was taking many AP courses. The classes were held to a higher standard and was more of a rigorous course in comparison to my old school’s APs. While trying catching up to the school’s curriculum, I often found myself cheerless and not my old self. I was often down because I wasn’t used to the grades I was making. I went from making straight As to making grades that I haven’t even made in my entire …show more content…

The work I was getting done was just the bare minimum and all my career ambitions had begun to fall apart. Soon it felt like I was no longer learning anything and everything that was being taught. It seemed to me that I did not grow in any way to improve any learning interests. My social life at school was all over the place since I was just trying to make any friends, but even my family and church life was taking a turn as well. Even my spiritual life seemed to be all over the place, I was no longer leaning on God whenever I needed him the most to help guide me on the right path for my future. The only part of my life that seemed some part intact was my health, I was working out with my basketball team every Sunday to keep me

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