Overtime J Crew History

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J. Crew was established in New York City in 1947. The store was originally named “Popular Sales Club”. The owner Mickey Drexler started up the company as a door to door sales of women’s clothing (Strickland, 2014, Pg. 510). Over time Drexler changed the name to J. Crew to attract a more “Preppy, affluent consumer’s attention (Strickland, 2014, Pg. 510). Their goal was and still is to be a forefront of fashion and deliver exactly what consumers desired (Strickland, 2014, Pg. 515). Overtime J. Crew made so many changes to the company. In 1988 the store opened its first factory, (Strickland, 2014, Pg. 515) changing the views of their customer’s assumptions of being just a regular outlet store. As time goes, the store expanded from selling women’s