P. 61 The Eskimo Husband

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Case 7, p. 61: The Eskimo husband's sense of hospitality requires him to offer his wife to an overnight guest. In our culture this is considered wrong. Is one view more justifiable than the other? Explain your reasoning carefully. I personally feel this act is morally un-ethical based on our culture because we take our wedding vows sacred. Nobody is supposed to come between the union, plus it’s considered adultery according to spiritual works. However, it can be justified with using Popular Relativism the Eskimo husband is doing what is right if that is what his culture believe is correct. Popular Relativism states “the same moral principles hold for all members of a particular society or social group but may differ from one society to another” (53 …show more content…

61: Members of a tribe living in a remote jungle area commonly shun the sick. The moment members of the tribe become seriously ill, they cease to exist in the tribe's view. They must leave the village and care for themselves. If they recover, however, they are restored to tribal membership. Apparently, the tribe lacks compassion for the afflicted. I don’t agree with this, reason being reading what Horrific Evils Objection mean: “If relativism were true, then any sort of immoral practice could be morally acceptable as long as society’s majority accepts it” (63). Also, Argument from Tolerance can be used. So I feel if this social group feel its right, then they are not lacking compassion but doing what they think is best for their social group. Personally I agree because one bad outbreak could be hazardous to their livelihood as a whole. Case 6, p. 140: A husband and wife are walking across a railroad track. She stumbles, and her foot gets caught in the switching mechanism. He tries to free her. Then a train comes roaring around the corner. Realizing he cannot free her before the train reaches them, the man leaps to safety. She is struck and killed instantly. Has the man behaved immorally? Why or why