Pablo Picasso Research Paper

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Pablo Picasso was a famous artist known for his fantastic and artistic paintings, sculptures, classic art and drawings. He was born on October 25, 1881, April 8, 1973 (died on April 8, 1973 in Mougins, France). Picasso abducted his own skills and technique in his artworks. Picasso is an artist who used more than one media, medias such as Cubism, painter, print maker, ceramicist and stage designer. At a young age he has displayed his artistic talent for drawing. His father was an art teacher who painted and drawled at his time. Picasso has took his father’s footstep becoming an artist. Picasso attended at the Academy of Arts when he moved to Paris.
His time in Paris he had learnt numerous of different style. Blue period, rose period and African period was constantly some of his style he had learnt. Cubism, modernism, impressionism, post-impressionism, symbolism, surrealism and realism are his movement. Picasso did many other things then this style he also was a pioneer in each of these movements. He continuously continued creating magnificent artworks using those different types of influenced styles. …show more content…

In the 1937 Picasso had created one of the most inspirational and influential work after the German bombing of the Guernica. The artwork had become one of the famous artwork at that time. The masterpiece was meaningful and carried important message about politics and eccentricity. During his time Picasso has achieved 13,500 paintings, 100,000 prints and engraving and created 300 sculptures his artistic style is so unique that Picasso is one of the best and well known artist in the world. His artworks are powerful emotions with meanings and messages, symbolic most of his artworks are abstract form. Pablo was influenced by many other extraordinary artists such as Vincent van Gogh, Paul Cezanne, Paul Gauguin, Henri Rousseau, Georges Braque and many

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