Pablo Picasso Research Paper

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Pablo Picasso is one of the most famous artist in worldwide. He is an important artist who has contributed significantly to Western Art History. This assignment will provide detail about Pablo Picasso’s biography, his workart and what made him to be unique. The famous artist_ Pablo Ruiz y Picasso (also called Pablo Picasso) who had spent most of his youth to live in France, was born on October 25, 1881 and died on April 8, 1973. As a whole, Picasso was considered one of the most greatest and influential artists in 20th century by his talent and contributions. He had a great number of remarkable artworks, but there was two his favorite ones_ these are, the proto-Cubist Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (1907) and Guernica (1937). In the twentieth century, Picasso, Marcel Duchamp and Henri Matisse were known as the three important artists in the revolutionary developments of plastic art, especially in painting, sculpture, printmaking and ceramics. However, it was seemed that Picasso had an own outstanding ability rather than the others. …show more content…

During the period that this world-famous man stayed in Paris, he had been renewing constantly his painting style. At that time, Pablo Picasso was always continually improving his style into many diverse ways, hence Picasso was considered as a pioneer of this development during the twentieth century. He was not only featuring his skills as well as his antique-style painting, but also creating any new-fangled style which was prominent all that time. Because of it, Pablo Picasso has become unique and known as the important artists in 20th

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