Packing For Mars Essay

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"The question is not " Is Mars possible? " but, " Is Mars worth it? ", stated May Roach, author of Packing for Mars. Mars also known as the "red planet" could be used for humans to live on in case of a problem that Earth couldnt survive through. Millions of people want to see the uncovered mysteries of Mars. Of course, there will be problems with the manned mission, however there are solutions for them. Traveling to Mars would be beneficial to humans, so we should follow through with a human-crewed Mars-mission.

Firstly, Mars has an atmosphere nearly equivilent to Earth's, so Mars' air is good enough for humans to breathe. Earth is experiencing mass amounts of pollution and oil spills to its land and water, which is unhealthy for human living conditions, so Mars is our go-to planet for humans in case pollution goes too far. Mars is an icey, cold planet; on the other hand, using the materials from Earth and Mars, we could make technology to better the conditions to suit humans in some areas of the planet. This is one of the many reasons why we should send astronauts to Mars. …show more content…

Discoveries provide progress, therefore intrigues people to look into the topic. As reported by the author of Packing for Mars, “What I can't possibly simulate for you is the feeling of holding a twenty-pound divot of Mars in your hands." The awe and excitement that space brings could change our perspective on the exploration of space. This is another reason why Mars exploration is