Palm Beach Election Summary

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The film starts off with gore retracting his concession due to the closeness of the race. After the final votes had been initially counted, the votes were extremely close with a 1,784 vote lead for George Bush. The day after the election, Palm beach citizens are protesting for a revote for their respective county. The primary reason these protesters were so abundant was because of the counties butterfly ballot, a ballot with candidates on both sides of the ballot causing an estimated 6,000 people to mistakenly vote for Al Gore. However the republican election team of George Bush pointed out that this ballot was designed and approved by democrats so there was clearly no intentional sabotage. Additionally, the constitution states that people can only vote on a …show more content…

On December 9th in the Supreme court case the ruling was “Gore requested that Miami Dade complete and palm beach should completed their recount while including dimpled chads. He also requested the inclusion of 168 votes from miami dade, 215 votes from palm beach, and 51 votes from nassau. In a 4-3 ruling the court rejects Gore’s request recount palm beach county, the court also rejects the inclusion of the 51 votes from nassau county. However the court does order the inclusion of the 215 votes in palm beach and the 168 votes from miami Dade. the court also orders an immediate hand recount of the 9,000 uncounted uncounted undervotes in miami Dade. In addition the court orders a hand recount of all uncounted undervotes in the entire state of florida. The recount is to proceed immediately and must be completed by december 12th”. The republicans however, find out if the election is not resolved by december 12th then the state legislature can decide who to award their state 's electoral votes to (the state legislature is primarily