
Pandora And Brandi Alternate Ending

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Brandi, Pandora, and Alex were gathered in the kitchen. The scene that was painted looked like Brandi was fighting off teen robbers. They were standing in the shape of a triangle. Each one with a different exspression on their face. Anger, fear, and hate clouded the room. "You don't want to do this Brandi." Pandora said. "You don't know what you're getting into." "Get. Out." She demanded. Pandora didn't move an inch, she just stood there. Brandi had taken enough of this and she felt she needed to do something. On an impulse move Brandi charged at Pandora with the knife extended towards her. Pandora jumped up and flew over top of Brandi, and across the room. Brandi stopped in her tracks and turned back around. Neither of them were ready …show more content…

She felt this would scare Pandora, but Pandora didn't look phased. The knife flew out of Brandi's hands and went straight into her counter. She looked at Pandora and her hair was inflammed in green. All of a sudden Brandi's body was incased in green. Her body started to lift off of the ground and she was thrown against the wall. The green stuck her to the wall with no intention of letting her down. "Pandora what are you doing?" Alex asked. Pandora ignored him and walked closer to Brandi. She eyed her up and down with piercing eyes. "Now you have no where to go, you have to tell me what happened. This isn't about just you, this could save the lives of many. Now tell me what happened." She said with force in her voice. "Pandora this is ridiculous." Alex said and went up to her. He reached out to touch her, but his hand got forced away. She wasn't even looking at him when it happened. "Intervene and you'll end up on the wall too. She came at me with a knife, that's ridiculous." Pandora said. Brandi started sobbing now, she just couldn't hold it …show more content…

Okay, I'll tell you." Brandi started. "It was early in the morning and I had just woken up. The kids hadn't been up yet which I thought was weird, it should've been my first sign. I didn't try to wake them though so that I could get some alone time. Raising two kids by yourself isn't easy, it's the hardest thing that you can do. Anyways I walked downstairs and was hit with a cold wind. It was freezing, like I had just walked outside. Then I made it to this kitchen and noticed the backdoor had been opened. It happened before so I figured the kids had accidentally left it open. I closed the door and felt a pair of eyes on me. I turned around and saw a woman with pink skin staring back at me. She pushed me onto this wall ust like you're doing. She told me that she needed to go back home through my backyard. That she tried to do it while I was asleep, but I woke up. I kept telling her she was crazy and to get out of my house. Then she started to get very angry at me, she told me to shut up. I told her I was going to call the cops as soon as she left so she brought me to meet her eyes. She still had her hold on me though. She said if I ever told anyone what I saw she would come and take my kids away from me. I finally said I wasn't going to tell and she planted these awful visions in my head. She threw me against the ground and then she went out into my backyard. The last thing I saw was a bright light beam down on her, then she was gone. And that's all I know, I swear to

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