Paper On Free College Education

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Economics Research Paper on Free College Education
College indisputably is beneficial to students and our society. However, as beneficial as it is, it may not always be convenient to everyone. Students on one hand need financial help to afford to attend a college. Although they can be offered money through scholarships, the money they receive may also come from government funds. The problem with this is that that money the government is giving to the students come from the money people pay off their taxes. Many people believe college should be free. However, that can be a damage to our economy and the taxpayers of America.
Paying for college is always challenging for people. Very commonly students need to get subsidized loans. On most cases, …show more content…

This can potentially affect our economy because the students who are in debt become the taxpayers of our nation. As a result, paying taxes to help benefit the united states becomes too difficult for them because of all the money they owe. In fact, not only do students become in debt with schools and money programs, but our economy can weaken with too much money given to students as well.
Our economy thrives mostly off taxing and government money. Residents in the United
States are taxed yearly based off their annual income. The money the government receives from the taxpayers is then used in other funds such as money to help pay for students attending college. If the government offers free college for all students, the money would most likely come from the taxes people are paying. However, because people the money received does not already
Economics Research Paper
cover the costs of college attendance for the students, the people would inevitable have to be charged more money for their taxes. This could potentially cause a dent in the economy. In fact, according to Kevin James of the U.S World and Report News, if we were to raise taxes in order to help pay off all college tuition for students, it would cost the government about “