Persuasive Essay: Is Free College Really Free?

1331 Words6 Pages

Scott Avery
Mrs. Mary Smith
English 1301 Comp. I
8 December 2017
Is Free College Really Free Education is all around us and is one of the most important factors of becoming successful in life. In the United States, college is currently very expensive and has been a topic of discussion for all almost American citizens. Countries such as Norway, Finland, Sweden, Germany, Slovenia, France and much more across the world all have free college and many people believe college tuition should be free in America, on the other hand, there are also tons of American citizen’s that believe that college should stay the way it is. There are many reasons on why college should be free however there are much more to why we should not have free college. Many people believe college tuition should be free however, I believe it should not because it will negatively affect the economy. …show more content…

currently needs money to provide bigger and more critical needs. Right now, the U.S. is in 18.2 trillion dollars in debt and is ranked third in the world with the most in foreign dues. Instead of making college free and becoming more in debt and having to raise taxes, we should keep college tuition expensive so that we can have more money going to other things like the military and foreign dues. The article, “Should College be Free” stated, “Making college education free would cost too much. Other needs should come first, such as providing health care to all Americans and improving public schools.” Making college free would hurt everyone with taxes and make even more people in debt. In most of Europe college is free, as a result, many places have a massive amount of taxes. For example, gasoline is much more expensive in Europe than in America because of the taxes they have put on gasoline in order to pay for public colleges. I believe we should keep college the way it is so no one suffers from the students that do not deserve a