Should College Be Free Essay

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Public colleges in the United States currently require all students to pay tuition, however everyone may not agree with this policy for a number of reasons benefiting our society. Public college Tuition should be free for all students because it will help decrease student debt, offer many benefits, and most jobs these days require higher education. Tuition free college will increasingly devote our country to lower student debt rates. For students to be able to attend college they have to pay tuition, including not everyone will have the resources needed causing them to take out student loans, leaving them in a deep pit of debt by the time they graduate their 4 year college program. Evidence for this is provided, when stated "Student loan debt …show more content…

In 1944, President Roosevelt signed the GI Bill, to ensure the credibility of free college to all military service members, veterans, and their dependents. This affected them greatly when stated, "The beneficiaries of the free tuition contributed to the economy by buying cars and homes, and getting jobs after college, while not being burdened by college debt"(Source 1). This Benefited many people who served the army or other government corporations. From what was shown this allowed an appreciable amount of people to graduate from college, free of cost without worrying about student debt and quickly moving onto their lives after college with better things to offer. The 1944 GI Bill paid for the educations of, "22,000 dentists, 67,000 doctors, 91,000 scientists, 238,000 teachers, 240,000 accountants, 450,000 engineers. Three Supreme Court Justices, three Presidents, and many congressmen'' (Source 1). Evidence from this text showed by virtue of what free college tuition can not only benefit the students, but gradually benefit our economy by growing the rate of people in a professional career, allowing the country to gradually benefit from them. Advacantely, if college tuition was free, our country would be able to obtain more college graduates, increasing the amount of civilians taking career …show more content…

Jamie Merisotis, President and CEO of the Lumina Foundation stated, "A dramatic increase in the number of Americans with college credentials is absolutely essential for our economic, social, and cultural development as a country"(Source 1). The increase of college tuition has limited many people from a higher education, which may affect them in the long run because it seems to be essential to the workforce these days. According to the US Department of Education, "College graduates earn $570,000 more than a high school graduate over a lifetime, on average, and they have lower unemployment rates"(Source 1). This shows that jobs are looking for degrees in any higher education, but unfortunately not everyone can afford the college tuition, causing them to be held back from what they are capable of. Allowing people to attend college cost free and can lower unemployment rates for the better allowing more people to strive financially without doubt or regret in their life long decision. Although the government and taxpayers would lose money when it states "Neal Mcklusky, Director of the Cato Institute's Center for Education Freedom, calculated that free college funded by tax dollars would cost every adult taxpayer $1,360 a year" (Source 2). It's much more beneficial to allow college to become free to the public, because our economic status will rise and it will contribute to the well being of our society making the