
Why Do Colleges Should Be Free Essay

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Attending college can be very expensive and especially when you are going to higher educated courses. Although you can be smart in school but that doesn’t help your chances on paying off all the tuition. There are tremendous debates on if state colleges should be free to attend or not. Many students who do attend a college they would have a student loan and pay off later or there are many other students who have multiple jobs to pay off their tuitions. A strong argument on why colleges should be free to attend is that it would help out poor families or homeless students to have a higher education and potentially build of that education to a major. “Free college education will change the way students see higher education”(simplegrad.com). Although this sounds easy to say but it wouldn’t help out both sides of the perspective. The reason for that is colleges can not just provide free tuition because it is still a money issue for colleges. For example how would they pay for the teachers and staff or even electricity bills. There are other speculation on attending colleges …show more content…

Richer families would have an increase on tax than poorer family. It’s not just only financially that this isn’t good for the economy but students may become not worthy to have a free college and can not try in their courses because for the fact of colleges being free to attend. Numerous of problems can occur when having free colleges and this statement where it gives a strong argument on an example of what can happen quoted that, “The main problem with free college is that most students come from disproportionately well-off backgrounds and already enjoy disproportionately well-off futures, which makes them relatively uncompelling targets for public

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