,Should state colleges be free to attend?
Colleges should be free to attend because it will save money for those who need the money
Colleges should be free to attend because a person’s education is a right.
Colleges should be free to attend be cause the world would be more sophisticated because everyone would be well educated
http://blogs.berkeley.edu/2015/05/23/higher-education/ http://simplegrad.com/should-state-colleges-be-free-to-attend/ http://vikramandemmabhhs.weebly.com/blog-posts/should-state-colleges-be-free-to-attend-for-in-state-residents https://qz.com/523236/this-is-what-would-happen-if-college-tuition-became-free-in-america/ BP1:It could help with people with financial problems because some students may not have a lot of money to pay for their tuition.And also education should never have a price.Education shoud never have a price because education should be something every person should have. (Simplegrad.com).And not to mention that the students won’t need to get student loans anymore and
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And everyone could use this chance to change their