Paper Towns Sparknotes

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The book Paper Towns is a New York Times bestseller and won an Edgar Award. Papers towns is about these two kids Quentin and Margo and they were really good friends when they were little because they were neighbors. but, now that they are in high school but are not really friends anymore. A month before they graduate Margo comes to Quentin’s window and tells him about her mission to get back at everyone who was mean to her during high school. Margo convinces Quentin to go because she needs somebody with a car to help her. To start her mission she goes to Walmart so they can get what they need. After that they go to see her best friend and her ex boyfriend to start the first part of her mission. Her ex boyfriend cheated on her with her best …show more content…

When Jase was running out of the house to get away from Becca’s dad Quentin takes a picture of him because he was naked. Then, Margo and Quentin break in and Margo scary paints a M on Becca’s wall and then she leaves catfish in her basement. When they leave Becca’s house they go to Karin’s house and leaves her flowers because she is the one that told Margo that Jase was cheating on her. Margo then breaks into Jase’s house and leaves a catfish and sprays the letter M on his wall witch was the second part of her mission. Margo then goes and spray paints a M on top of her friend Lacey’s car and leaves a catfish under the seat of her car so she does not see it. After that they go into a bank conference room on one of the higher floors so they can see pretty much see all of Orlando and he says that where they live is a “paper town” which means its “not even hard enough to be made of plastic” its fake. After that they get back at a guy Chuck who has been mean to Quentin since middle school. What they do is they remove his eyebrows and put vaseline on all the knobs on the doors in his house. Then they return home after they visit