Summary: A Critique Of Milton's Paradise Lost

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A Whole New World (A Critique of Milton’s Theology) Milton’s Paradise Lost is one of the most important pieces of literature because of its literary quality and its controversial relationship to theology. He is rather controversial with his portrayal of biblical figures. By rejecting the Trinity and depicting God and the Son as two separate beings, Milton creates a new theology. Through his use of this theology, Milton shows the Son’s rise to glory through action and character, a concept that gives way to an argument against the birthright of monarchs. By framing the story around the relationship between God and the Son, Milton is able to define his political values in Paradise Lost. Milton constructs an argument against tyranny and the …show more content…

Throughout Paradise Lost, the Son, God, and others comment on their understanding of the Son’s role and his place as a created being. After the Son’s offer to be the human sacrifice, the angels sing in celebration. Their hymn shows Milton’s notion of the separation between God and the Son, but also addresses the concept of creation: “Thee next they sang of all Creation first, Begotten Son, Divine Similitude, In whose conspicuous count’nance, without cloud Made visible, th’ Almighty Father shines, Whom else no creature can behold; on thee Impressed th’ effulgence of his glory abides, Transfused on thee his ample Spirit rests. He Heav’n of Heav’ns and all the Powers therein By thee created, and by thee threw down Th’ aspiring Dominations” (Milton’s Paradise Lost, Book III lines 383-392) The Father’s glory as being reflected in the Son draws a line between the two beings. The Son is not depicted as being God or a part of him, but instead as a reflection of his glory. This passage shows that God created the Son as a separate being, but also suggests that God created the Son in order to use him in order to achieve his will. In offering himself, the Son fulfills his duty as the vehicle through which God can perform action, and also defines himself as a noble creature by performing said