Paralegal Essay Examples

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“What is a workday like for a paralegal” My cappuccino spilled the cup while I ran at the speed of light, or at least ran as fast as I could with these black heels I was forced to use at work every day, not to mention the briefcase full of more or less important documents that was about to break and let my work fly down the hall at the entrance to the old building where I worked. I knew I should have bought that new pink leather briefcase when I had the opportunity, but in no way was I going to pay $ 200 for that thing. My beautiful black briefcase that was falling apart was not even real leather, and it only cost me $ 98 and 78 cents, but sadly his life was coming to an end, I even had to paint its corner with a Black nail polish I had at …show more content…

After mumbling a simple thanks to the gray suit sir, I press the button with the number fifteen until it lights up with an orange light, turning the numbers illuminated in a perfect line which meant I would have to stop in fourteen levels before reaching the …show more content…

Denno case. A case brief as said in the fourth edition of “The Paralegal Professional” book by Thomas F. Goldman and Henry R. Cheeseman, consists of five parts and has a maximum of words. The first part of a case brief is the case name and citation with a maximum of 25 words. Second, a summary of key facts in the case consisting of a maximum of 125 words. Third, the issue presented by the case, stated as a one-sentence question answerable only by yes or no, with a maximum of 25 words. Fourth, is the Holding, the court’s resolution of the issue with a maximum of 25 words. And fifth, a summary of the court’s reasoning justifying the holding. In total a case brief should have 400