
Parallels Between The Salem Witch Trials And Mccarthyism

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What are the parallels [similarities] between the Salem Witch trials and McCarthyism?

A scapegoat is one that is blamed for the wrongdoings of others. A common example could be blaming the dog for eating a snack that you actually ate. Have you ever found a scapegoat to take your blame? In 1957, Arthur Miller wrote The Crucible during the McCarthyism era to show how much fear and hysteria can and has already impacted America. The Crucible exaggerates the Salem witch trials of 1962-1963 which are similar to the McCarthyism era. The parallels between the Salem Witch trials and McCarthyism include blaming others, unreliable sources, and punishment if someone refuses to testify.

The first parallels between the Salem Witch trials and McCarthyism are blaming others to save …show more content…

McCarthy initially accused 205 people who worked in the State Department of being communist but when he sent the names to President Truman he only stated the names of 57 known “communists”(Doc C). Later, he accused 24 more people and that number eventually decreased to 10 people. This proves that McCarthy was an unreliable source of information regarding communists in the State department because his list kept changing. First, the list increased after he sparked a red scare and then greatly decreased as his political status fell. In the play, during a court trial Judge Danforth explains “We must rely upon her victims”(Doc D) because witchcraft can not be seen. Judge Danforth believed that the only way to track down the “witches” in Salem was to get information from teenage girls who supposedly had been victims of witchcraft. Abby and her friends put on acts during court faking that they were bewitched yet the whole town believed them because witchcraft is an “invisible crime”. The McCarthyism Era was portrayed in the play through having unreliable evidence to back the accusations being

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