The Parallels Between The Crucible And Mccarthyism

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What are the parallels between The Crucible and McCarthyism? The book, The Crucible, made by Arthur Miller and The word McCarthyism are similar to each other. McCarthyism is about the accusation of many people of being a communist by Joseph McCarthy and The Crucible talks about how innocent people were accused of being witches because of some misunderstanding. Both are separate things but are very similar to each other in many ways. The questioning or blacklisting of many people in McCarthyism and the Crucible are similar to each other. During the red scare, many people feared communists and wanted those people to be gone. People have been questioned by the HUAC. One of those people was a famous Hollywood director named Ella Kazan. He was …show more content…

After three months, he felt that what he did was wrong because he did not call out the names of the people he knew to be a communist. Kazan testified for a second time where he called out many names. Kazan was then praised by Walter because he believed what he did was the correct thing to do. Getting praised by someone after doing something makes a person feel like that they are doing the right and best thing for themselves. The people whose names were called out were questioned by the HUAC. If they do not oblige by calling out names of other communists, they will be blacklisted. In the Crucible, Hale came to Salem in order to determine if there is witchcraft being done in the town. Tituba was suspected of witchcraft and having a connection with the devil after Abigail accused her. She was whipped for this until she started calling out names of other people she saw with the devil. Hale saw this as a sign that she is free from being a puppet of the devil. Seeing this, Abigail and the rest of the girls join Tituba in calling out names to make themselves free from the devil. The girls …show more content…

On February 9, 1950, McCarthy showed a paper of two hundred and five people known to be communists. As time went by, this list became smaller and smaller. In about a week or so, this list went from two hundred and five people to ten. McCarthy did not have the evidence to prove that these people are truly communists to start with so this list just becomes smaller with time. In the Crucible, many people were accused of witchcraft and were sentenced to death. To be precise, seventy-two death warrants were signed by Reverend Hale. Hale believes that there is not enough evidence to prove that the accused ones were actually practicing witchcraft. In an ordinary crime, witnesses can be called forth to prove if one is innocent. Since witchcraft is an invisible crime, there are no witnesses to it. Danforth, the deputy governor and the highest judge, even said that the only proven evidence for the seventy-two death warrants signed was from the accusers. There can be no witnesses so they lack any proof that those people are witches. In both documents, there is a lack of evidence in proving someone to be a communist or practicing witchcraft. In one situation, the number of accused people gets smaller and in the other, there are no witnesses to the crime. It is very unfair for the