Parental Consent Regarding Teen Abortion

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Parental Consent Regarding Teen Abortion
About 82 percent of teenage pregnancies are not planned, and about “25 percent of women have been pregnant at least once by the time they reach their twentieth birthday (Ruddock). ”Everybody knows how hard it can be to open up to their parents at times, and teenage pregnancy is one of the most tough conversations. To add on to the stress, “37 states require parental involvement in a minor’s decision to have an abortion” (Parental). Teenagers should not need parental consent for abortions because it will lead to unwanted births, illegal abortions and educations for young women lost. Teenagers may be afraid to discuss this with their parents, but it is human nature. Instead of stressing out teens, parents, …show more content…

“There are an estimated 19 million unsafe abortions worldwide each year… About 5.2 million of these women are hospitalized for serious complications” (Barrineau). In addition, that includes only people who have opened up about it. There are countless unsafe abortions that take place every year that no one knows of. Young teens are terrified of having to tell their parents. Unfortunately resulting in an illegal abortion which 68,000 women die from each year. Between funds, parental consent, and embarrassment, a lot goes into the reasons why teens and women go through the dangerous route of back alley abortions. But instead of teens looking for ways around the law which they will ultimately find, and injuring themselves because they are afraid of their parents, parental consent should be discontinued for …show more content…

Only 40 percent of teen mothers finish high school, 60 percent dropping out because of the pregnancy (POSTCARD). Following up on that, Fewer than 2 percent finish college by age 30, making it tough to supply for the baby with minimal income (POSTCARD). Working full time without a college degree is an average of $25,636 per year, while having to take care of the baby or pay for someone everyday (Josephson). Also if a woman decided to go to college, they most likely need a daycare service. As strong as women are, it is almost impossible to work, afford rent, afford college textbooks, and pay for a daycare. It is just not fair for women to struggle almost everyday raising a child as most of the time the father is missing, just because when they were a teen they were to scared to talk to their parents. I much rather women be able to take their time, and graduate high school as the other 90 percent of females without a child do, and make a plan for the future (Ruddock). Because education is a very important thing, it will help them raise a child in the future, and in addition it will help them make more money and give the child a better life style so they can grow up successful. And it is not just a repeated cycle passed on in that family