Juvenile Delinquency Theory

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Revision of Chapter 2: Pages 4-8

In most criminology theories there are determinate differences that drive juvenile delinquency that ideologies have tried to explain. One such approach to criminal behavior was explained through the Classical School of Criminology (Curran & Renzetti, 2001). It is explained that there is common factor among individuals when it comes to the motivation of committing crime (Nofziger, 2001). It i8s believed that people are rational and intelligent and exercise free will and calculate the benefits and costs of every act (Curran & Renzetti, 2001). The great question is the reason why people choose to go against this laws and refuse conformity within the rules of society. What motivates children to offend and mitigate …show more content…

2003). The parenting process or involvement shows a relation to violence and low self-esteem.

According to Pflieger and Vazsonyi (2006) there is a direct effect on violence and an indirect effect with a mediator variable of adolescents’ low self-esteem, especially as regards dating violence among students attending high school. More recent research focuses on cohabitation can be related to delinquency. In general, studies find children who live in cohabitating households are much more likely to participate in juvenile delinquency compared to those in two-biological-parent households (Apel & Kaukinen, 2008; Kierkus, 2010; Manning & Lamb, …show more content…

The main tenet of this theory is that increased social bonds decrease the likelihood of engaging in crime and deviance (Hirschi, 1969). There are four elements known in social bond, mainly: attachment, described as the extent that a person has close affectionate ties with others; commitment, described as the fear of law-breaking behavior; involvement, described as meaning participating in conventional acts to make one too busy to commit crime; and belief, described as impressions or opinions that are highly dependent upon social