Parrott In Does Cigarette Smoking

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Exploring health history provides indication about the individual’s strengths and weaknesses. The strengths and weaknesses are what helps express the solutions that can be worked upon, and to better the lifestyle of the individual. In order to bring change to one’s lifestyles, indicating their priority concerns are a necessity. The priority concern of the individual interviewed, brings forth that smoking may be an issue. The client addresses specific factors that prevent him from quitting. These factors being, stress, addiction, and lack of motivation. The client has encountered life experiences that have been stressful such as, his family’s financial situation as they are not financially stable. The individual feels that smoking is a way which …show more content…

According to Parrott in Does Cigarette Smoking Cause Stress?, he states, “when smokers manage to quit smoking, they gradually become less stressed over time”(Parrott, 1999, p. 817). Parrot further explains that smokers claim that they are more relaxed after having a cigarette and there is proof that there is a change in mood after having a cigarette (Parrott, 1999, p. 817). This does not necessarily mean that the mood change caused by smoking is a positive one, nor does smoking actually reduce stress but simply just relieves the smoker of his/her nicotine cravings which is often confused with helping with stress (Parrott, 1999, p. 817). In his article, Parrott quotes (Schachter, 1978, p.817), by stating, “Smoking doesn’t- make the smoker less irritable or vulnerable to annoyance, not smoking or sufficient nicotine makes him more vulnerable” (Parrott, 1999, p. 817). This proves that using tobacco as an excuse to relieve stress is a priority concern as majority of the smokers use this tactic to relieve stress but the results prove otherwise, as the use of tobacco actually increases stress levels due to the addiction of nicotine. The client also uses this excuse to reason with his smoking habits where this turns into a huge concern because the tobacco is not aiding in relieving his stress but is actually increasing it without him really knowing