
Part Time Indian Sparknotes

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Title On reservations, almost 15 of Native American adults experience mental health while going through their day-to-day lives (NAMI). What can they do to have a better lifestyle with more benefits? Many, as a result of their mental health, drink alcohol. Native Americans on Junior’s reservation drink day by day and are addicts, such as his parents. The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian is a novel written by Sherman Alexie. Junior is the main character in this novel. He was born with too much spinal fluid on the inside of his brain (Alexie 1), which makes him look different than others. His looks very much affect him on the reservation. Junior’s parents like to spend their money and go to the casino, not leaving much for the family …show more content…

The new school gives Junior a bunch of new opportunities, he ends up making new friends and meets a girl. Junior deals with noticeable struggles throughout the book, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian, that includes depression, low self-esteem, and bullying; he builds resilience to these struggles through his drawings, words, and actions. Junior’s mental health started at a young age. He would get bullied by kids and adults on the reservation. Junior has Rowdy, his best friend who helps him through the bullying that he goes through. Rowdy and Junior have been friends for almost their entire lives. At the beginning of the book, Rowdy and Junior went to a powwow. Junior didn't even want to go to the powwow because he was scared someone was going to pick on him, but he went regardless, to make Rowdy happy. Junior ended up getting bullied and beat up by three older men (Alexie 2021). The boys made fun of Junior for his brain disorder and called him names. Rowdy was angry that they beat up Junior, so he decided to get payback. He cut their braids and shaved their eyebrows (Alexie, 22). Junior seemed enlightened that Rowdy stuck up for him since he can’t on his

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