Passive Ignorance In Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury

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In the book Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury relates several of the challenges and aspects of the book to even society today. Though some might think that the book is completely out of touch and unrealistic, I view the events in the book & movie as a disaster waiting to happen in a real world scenario. For example, to support the world Bradbury has thought up in his book, the Truman Show is also a dystopian novel in which they relate to the brainwashed and controlled society. Though The Truman Show is directed at only Truman, it shows how passive ignorance blindly accepts the information they were given and the dangerous implications of doing so. For example, the people around Truman. Every day of Truman's life he has been lied to, and brainwashed to continue the built in life path that his “creator” has made for him. Contrary to the …show more content…

We are in a real world Truman, you're making yourself look crazy”.The people on The Truman Show keep his thoughts controlled, by lying and gaslighting him into thinking the “right way”. In addition, in Fahrenheit 451, it gives the perfect example of the passive ignorance given by the people in Montag's life. Without a doubt, by reading the novel, you can easily infer that books were already made and read by the people until it was initially a “crime” to own. Even from the beginning of the novel, books are banned, and burned when found. To infer why the books are banned there can be several conclusions, but HOW did this law pass? Passive ignorance of the people is how it was allowed and put into place. During this very controlled time of the burning books, the people ignore and live life as if