Pastor Frank Hogan Character

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First of all, do make certain that you realize potential spoiler alerts are ahead. I do my best to ensure that doesn 't happen, but in the event that you learn something you didn 't know (and wish you hadn 't), know that you have been warned. Secondly, please note that I do not entertain negativity against the actors and others connected with the show. Feel free to disagree with my opinion, and it 's one thing to criticize the plot, but please keep your words as uplifting as possible as my objective is to be a positive buoy amid the rough and negative seas of the critics. This episode does indeed center around the character of Pastor Frank, and quite honestly it is time for a bit of a confessio on my part. I have not been overly accepting of this character in Hope Valley, and ever since Mark joined last season, I wasn 't sure what I thought of his portrayal of this rugged and simple pastor. I was suspicious of Pastor Hogan, his intentions towards …show more content…

While Abigail is somewhat shaken at the beginning of the episode with the disturbing news concerning Frank 's past, you can bet your bottom dollar that it is Abigail (and a couple others in the town) who determine that Pastor Frank Hogan should be given another chance. And it is through these events that I began to see Frank and the actor who has breathed life into this troubled, softspoken man in a new light. I was always convinced Mark physically fit the role, but I think I reacted so vigorously to his character due to my disappointment in the character Bill. I was certain Bill and Abigail should be together, and it has only been this season that I "forgave" that character. Undoubtedly, I believe I viewed Mark with prejudicial eyes, but thankfully, the eyes, heart, and soul of the fair and balanced reviewer conquered those predetermined views. Mark gives his best performance to date in this episode, and suddenly, it makes sense for this quiet man of faith, who is the very epitome of redemption, to be in